Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Amy's Breakfast Recipe

1 box of cereal (variant)
1 bowl
1 spoon
1 bowlful of milk

Pour first the cereal, then milk, into the bowl. Eat it with the spoon.
Fast. Impossible to mess up.
My kind of breakfast.


Jo said...

You crack me up! Someday you will fall in love with cooking like the rest of us.

Amy said...

If you say so. For now I'll have to be content with things that come from a box.

Amy said...

If you say so. For now I'll have to be content with things that come from a box.

Amy said...

I shouldn't have said "Impossible to mess up." I tempted fate and fate struck. Milk in the cup and water in the cereal. I shake my head in shame.