Thursday, August 19, 2010

my breakfast contribution

Mr. Tupman (thanks for the name for my husband, John!) makes me this for breakfast a lot, and I absolutely love it!

We call this "Egg in a Toast."

Ingredients needed:

Salt and Pepper

All you have to do, is rip out a circle from the middle of the bread - about half dollar sized. Then you put it in the frying pan (and we melt a little butter in the pan before we put it in) and crack an egg into the bread. Salt and pepper to taste, and cook like you would a regular egg. We also like to put some cherry tomatoes in the pan while it's cooking. It makes a nice addition to an already yummy breakfast.

I don't even like eggs, but this may be my favorite breakfast ever! I love poking the egg so the yolk runs out, then dipping my bread into the yolk.


Jo said...

You know what dad calls this right? A one-eyed sandwich. :)

Beth said...

Yes, I know. But egg-in-a-toast seems more fun to say! :)